Friday, January 1, 2010

1/1/10: Auld Lang Snake

Dear new scanner: I suppose for $30, I should be happy with your questionable results, but your clearly unforgiving quality and my dubious talents will not get along very well in the future.

This is a quick rough draft of what I would have likely subbed to the woot party collab tee, had I been arsed. With some cheesy text. In order for you not to enlarge this smudgefest, I have linked it to my other blog, singularitee. For your pleasure.


  1. and so it begins... 365 witty, sarcastic and punny Adder works! I'll definitely be checking in regularly.

  2. Somehow I doubt that you'll run out. Happy New Year and let the games continue!

  3. maybe not run out, but goddamn am I lazy. Having a reserve of ideas (like Scenes from a Hat on Whose Line, ie) would be invaluable on days I don't have any desire to think.

  4. Don't hate on the smudges. Processing and mistakes are just as interesting/important as the finals. Food for thought? Perhaps inspiration for a future sketch? :)
